Nicole Torres Nicole Torres

Should I Get an MRI? Making Informed Decisions for Your Health

In the world of modern healthcare, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become a standard diagnostic tool. However, the surge in its usage has raised concerns about information overload, escalated medical expenses, and unnecessary surgeries. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the factors to consider before scheduling an MRI, providing you with the best information to make empowered decisions about your health.

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Nicole Torres Nicole Torres

4 ways to manage a pain flare-up

We know that pain flare ups can be frustrating and at times even scary. You’ve worked so hard in physical therapy; you have been seeing great results then seemingly out of nowhere – BAM! A pain flare up. Hopefully your physical therapist explained to you that this could be a possibility, but if they did not, we’re here to tell you that this is normal.

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Built By Brandt Built By Brandt

Return to Sport after Total Knee Replacement

Physical Therapy after a joint replacement is essential for regaining range of motion and strength, return to walking and activities of daily living. Traditional physical therapy does a great job of getting patients back to doing the things that they need to do on a day-to-day basis. Where traditional physical therapy often time misses the mark, is helping high-level active adults get back to sport. This could look like being discharged from physical therapy before ever getting to work on lifting, running or even higher tasks such as kneeling.

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Built By Brandt Built By Brandt

The Benefits of Out-of-Network Performance Physical Therapy Over Traditional In-Network Options

When it comes to physical therapy, choosing the best clinician for you can significantly impact your overall wellness journey. Traditional insurance-based models have long been the norm, but a new player has emerged in the field of performance physical therapy: cash-based clinics operating outside the confines of network restrictions. In this blog post, we're going to explore the remarkable benefits of choosing out-of-network performance physical therapy over the traditional in-network approach. From personalized care to access to cutting-edge equipment, let's delve into why making the switch could be a game-changer for your well-being.

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