How to Choose a Physical Therapist in Naples Florida

So, you’ve been told that you need physical therapy (or maybe you are seeking out a second opinion!) and you Google “physical therapy Naples Florida” with 20 options to choose from. Hopefully, that search landed you here or you had a friend share this with you! We’re here to help you navigate how to choose the best physical therapy office for you. Here are 5 things to look for when choosing a physical therapist:

1. You can choose any physical therapy provider (not just the one written on your script)

Often you are spending a few weeks to months depending upon your reason for physical therapy and we firmly believe you should be empowered to select the provider and facility that will help you achieve your goals. This sometimes may mean going out of network or farther than just “downstairs” from your doctor. Finding the right provider for you who understands your goals and will be an advocate to helping you reach them is key.

2. Find a provider you will see consistently (not getting moved around to different clinicians)

You want to be able to see the same provider, ideally a Doctor of Physical Therapy, for every visit. This allows you to build a trusting relationship which is vital for successful outcomes. 

3. Find a provider who you will see for minimum of 45 minutes, ideally 60 minutes.

Your provider should be able to catch up with you, provide any manual therapy if needed, review and perform exercises and then have time to answer any questions if needed. You cannot achieve the same level of care in 20-minute appointments. If your appointments feel like a drive by, we suggest finding another provider.

4. Find a provider who you will see 1-on-1 without other distractions

Your provider should be able to spend all their time with you during the visit. This also means providing hands-on treatment when needed, reviewing technique, and demonstrating exercises. Your physical therapist should not be stepping away for 10 minutes, sitting behind a computer while you wait for your next exercise or is treating 2-3 other people at the same time,

5. Most of your appointments should feel like exercise

Physical therapy works best when you are working. There is a time and place for low-intensity sessions or sessions that are based mostly around education, but this should not be every session, every time. You should be working and should include exercises off of the treatment table when possible. 

At The Resilient Athlete, all of our sessions are 60-minute, 1-on-1 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. If you are struggling to find a provider that feels like the right fit, set up a free phone consultation with us today!


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